Aucocisco School is a Maine DOE approved Special Purpose Private School providing an exceptional K-12 educational experience for students who have struggled in previous settings. Many of our students are placed through the IEP team process and their tuition is funded by their local school district as the Free and Appropriate Public Education (FAPE) for that student. Other students are enrolled as private students.
Regardless of the funding source, we focus on each individual student’s strengths and needs and work with students, parents and team members to provide the right level of support at the right time. During the enrollment process, we explore whether full or partial day programming would work best or whether the student's support needs can be met with tutoring alone. The result is that we have a mix of students that attend Aucocisco School with full day programming, partial day programming and individual tutoring. We also accept enrollments on a rolling basis. We also partner with experienced therapists and specialists to provide social work, expressive arts therapy, speech and language services, occupational therapy, and more.
We work with students, parents, and sending school districts to offer a continuum of support services so that students can maximize their time in the least restrictive environment. While the length of placement varies, many of our students transition back to the local school district on a full or part time basis or begin to split their day in community college or vocational training programs.
We help students with:
Language/Auditory Processing Issues
For more information, to set up a tour, or to schedule a learning evaluation for your student, please contact us here.
Our mission is to teach the skills and strategies students need to be successful.
“Without the help from you and the teachers, I truly believe I wouldn’t be able to graduate.
All of the tough love paid off! I’m a more confident, outgoing person now.