Diagnostic Testing
Three levels of Diagnostic Educational Evaluations are available, using standardized tests and informal assessments to measure:
Reading, writing, and mathematics levels
Learning style preferences
Reading speed and fluency
Memory and processing speed
Identification of all types of learning disabilities
Aucocisco Learning Center offers diagnostic educational testing services. We provide comprehensive testing for school-age students and adults. Some questions we answer for our clients include:
Why is my child failing or under-performing academically?
Does my child possibly have a learning disability, such as dyslexia?
Are my child’s learning strengths and talents being ignored?
Why is my child so disorganized, no matter what we try?
Level 1 - Screenings
Screenings are brief, one-session evaluations to determine if signs of a learning disability are present and if a student is functioning at grade level. Screenings determine the need for further testing, and are limited to one academic area, such as reading or math. Results will be reviewed with the family.
Level 2 - Diagnostic Educational Evaluation
A diagnostic educational evaluation is a full evaluation of reading, writing and/or math that may be the first or second level requested by a family. You may start with a screening if that is appropriate, or go right to a Diagnostic Educational Evaluation if you already know that is what is needed. A Level 2 evaluation includes a conference with family to review test results, a copy of test scores and a strengths and weaknesses profile, as well as instructional recommendations for remediation if needed.
Level 3 - Complete Educational Evaluation with full written report
In addition to the Level 2 evaluations and conference, a Level 3 evaluation also includes a full written narrative and score report. The report is formatted to be accepted by school districts if that is needed. It is also a choice many families prefer.
$750 and up